Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Oddity of the Che T-Shirt

Killer Chic: Hollywood's Sick Love Affair with Che Guevara
Video courtesy of, runs about 8 minutes 30 seconds

So why is it that we fear Facist dictators and not Communist tyrants?

Probably, as my Sociology teacher put it last semester, "You're going to continue to hear about three people over the course of your college career." One of them is Karl Marx, the second being Sigmund Freud, and the last escapes me right now.

Pretty much, as long as The Communist Manifesto continues to be scrutinized in academia and Marx's work is held in as high regard as it is, Stalin will always be portrayed in a better light than Hitler, despite that Hitler's death toll is only marginally larger (depending on who you talk to)* than that of Stalin's (it also helps that the U.S.S.R. was fighting the Germans during World War II, too).

Marx's work also appeals to a specific brand of altruism - the desire to end the suffering of others. Why else do parents spend so much time teaching their children the value in sharing and charity?

It's also helped along by the fact that Russia and China are still shrouded in mystery, even after all these years of "reform".

*Do yourself a favor and just Ctrl+F for "Hitler" and "Stalin" - that page is pretty huge.

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